TRENTATRE Green, purple and brown tie


Handcrafted 100% Silk striped tie in green and purple colours with a thin brown line.

6 in stock

SKU: TrentatrePavoneLavandaAvana-CR Category:


Trentatre 100% Silk rice grain tie in pavone and lavanda colours with a thin avana line.
The colour effects of this tie that make it versatile and funny; an accessory that enhances the outfit of those who are not afraid to dare. The Fumeo Carlo ties are loom-made and follow a craft which has been handed down for nearly one hundred years. A fine accessory, Made in Italy, that will give that final touch to the outfit.

Colours: green and purple with a thin brown line

Material: 100% silk

Dimensions: width 7 cm, length 148 cm – with square end.

Additional information

Weight0,5 kg
Dimensions43 × 31 × 15 cm

Brown, Green, Purple



